Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas, America . . . and the World!

To all of the Anna Fans across America, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.   Also,  our holiday cheer extends to fans of Anna Trundle and Dr Pepper far beyond the States.   In her starring role with Dr Pepper, Anna has captured the attention and hearts of readers from around the world.

So in the spirit of the season we offer members of our growing worldwide audience a Merry Christmas in their native language . . .

Malaysia - Selamat Hari Krismas!
Germany - Frohliche Weihnacten!
South Korea - Sung Tan Chuk Ha!
Serbia - Srecan Bozic!
Australia - Happy Christmas!
Ukraine - Veseloho Vam Rizdva!
China (Mandarin) - Kung His Hsin Nien Bing Chu Shen Tan!
Turkey - Mutlu Noeller!
Finland - Hyvaa Joulua!

Closer to home we have regular followers in the East Tennessee outpost of Maryville.   In our best Blount County brogue, we say,
